You can now consult and sign up for the activities planned by the Garriga Visitor Centre.

Apart from the usual visits and itineraries (the resort shelter, modernism, the Desperta Holmes!... family activity), this quarter includes new features and special programming.

The theater program will start on October 13 with a family circus show and will also feature classical dance and object theater, among others.

Book your tickets on the Theatre's website

Jauría, by Jordi Casanovas, is a fictional documentary created from the statements of the five accused and the accuser in the trial of "La Manada" about the events that happened in Pamplona on the night of July 6, 2016.

The Department of Health launches a battery of advice with the 'More ready than the heat' campaign to minimize its negative effects: dehydration, heat strokes, exposure to the sun, sunburns...

In this way, the campaign focuses on six great tips in order to raise awareness about the effects of heat and prevent them:
1. Drink water often, even if you are not thirsty
2. Avoid going outside during the hottest hours
3. Stay in air-conditioned spaces
4. Take care of children and the elderly
5. Wear light clothing and a cap or hat
6. Apply sunscreen

The Civil Protection Plan of Catalonia (PROCICAT) has been activated in the Heat Wave Alert phase for Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Operational Coordination Center of Catalonia (CECAT) has activated the Civil Protection Plan of Catalonia (PROCICAT) in the Heat Wave Alert phase.

The Meteocat specifies that in Vallès Oriental, the heat wave will affect this Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 July, both due to Night and Day Heat Danger. The maximum in our region is predicted for this same Tuesday.

Again, and for a Festa Major free of sexist behavior and possible sexual assaults, the City Council is once again launching the "Festa libre, fes te libre!" campaign.

The campaign, which will feature the Lila Point at Espai Nits la Doma on the 3 nights of the celebration, this year presents some new features.