The Project to duplicate the Route of the R3 Line of Rodalies between Parets and la Garriga will affect three sections of the line (Parets-Granollers, les Franqueses-la Garriga and Balenyà-Tona-Seva-Vic). The three split sections will improve reliability and slightly increase capacity and, at the same time, the frequency of trains will be increased, which will go from the current 30 minutes to 15 minutes.

Ce festival de Garriga, il y aura un festival de l'eau écologiquement durable avec la collaboration de la protection civile de La Garriga

Compte tenu de la situation d'alerte des ressources en eau du pays et des mesures restrictives dues à la situation de sécheresse, cette année, au cours d'eau Festa Major, aucune eau potable ne sera jetée et de l'eau thermale sera utilisée grâce à la collaboration de l'Hôtel Termes la Garriga. De plus, la consommation sera réduite de moitié.

From July 10 to 16, traffic will be closed on the Ronda del Carril, between Passeig dels Til·lers and  la Font del Nen street.

The company that carries out the work prior to the splitting of the R3 de Rodalies line must carry out repair work on the pavement of that section of street.

The works will consist of cleaning up the stretch, remaking it with stronger concrete.

During the work, traffic will have to be closed. Vehicles will be diverted through the Dachs passage, up to Carrer de la Font del Nen.

Procicat has been activated in the alert phase due to very intense heat. In La Garriga today, Tuesday, temperatures could exceed 37°.

It is recommended that you follow civil protection advice such as drinking plenty of water, avoiding going out at noon and looking for climate shelters such as the Núria Albó Library located at c. Center 49



The City Council has issued a municipal ban informing of the ban on making bonfires and throwing rockets, since the Garriga is a municipality declared at high risk of forest fire.

The text of the ban is as follows:

Welcome fellow citizen, welcome fellow citizen,

The celebration of this summer's party is near. This year we have to be more careful than ever because of the fire risk associated with the use of firecrackers, rockets and bonfires.