The need to protect the territory and take care of the people who live there has led us to make a commitment to obtain the Bisophère sustainability commitment as a tourist destination.
A comprehensive and common commitment linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a firm commitment to:
- Inclusive economic growth, which favors the creation and maintenance of resources to guarantee the quality of life of the local population.
- The preservation of cultural values, diversity and heritage.
- Environmental conservation, economic and social development.
Biosphere is a comprehensive system of responsible tourism. Its seal constitutes a worldwide brand of trust that helps companies, consumers, tourism owners and managers and other interested parties to identify and promote products and services from tourism providers that align their management and business activity with sustainability.
In La Garriga, in the 2024 edition, the Visitor Centre and Masia Can Sunyer have also obtained the Biosphere Sustainability Commitment, centres and companies that work with respect for the territory, the local community and the people who visit us.
This accreditation guarantees the quality and sustainability of tourism services based on the Biosphere certification of the Institute for Responsible Tourism (ITR), a member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and affiliated with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) of UNESCO.
The good practices of this program refer to the areas of sustainable management, conservation and improvement of cultural heritage, environmental conservation, economic and social development, quality and safety and customer involvement.
The Commitment to Tourism Sustainability in the Barcelona Regions Biosphere is a project promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Chamber of Commerce and managed in the Vallès Oriental by the Regional Council.