
Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

Schedules and programming not yet closed, see information about the Corpus Christi festival



  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 21.30 h

Marala are the Catalan Selma Bruna, the Mallorcan Clara Fiol and the Valencian Sandra Monfort.  They are interested in tradition as a force of innovation. His songs are inspired by the present and try to honour the past. They present us with a forceful and hopeful album based on an investigation into death in traditional music.

Schedules and programming not yet closed, see information about the Corpus Christi festival



Schedules and programming not yet closed, see information about the Corpus Christi festival




Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 11h.

Més de 100 metres de galeries subterrànies foradades a la roca, testimoni del treball col·lectiu de tot un poble per fer front a l'amenaça dels bombardeigs feixistes que va patir la Garriga durant la Guerra Civil espanyola.


  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 11h.

Itinerari que recorre els espais més significatius de la Garriga modernista i ens descobreix el nou eixample garriguenc creat entre el final del segle XIX i l’inici del segle XX. Una ciutat jardí residencial, burgesa, i termal que naixia entre camps i boscos. Inclou la visita a espais privats singulars.



Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.

17:30 pm
Organized by: School of Martial Arts Ushiro Sports Club