The Modernist Days, take place during the second weekend of October.
Modernism was a global movement that encompassed all the arts: music, painting, literature, architecture, furniture...

In La Garriga we have a good example of this, especially architectural modernism, so closely linked to the phenomenon of summer vacations and spas.

Observing our heritage in an entertaining way is the objective of these conferences, through different recreational and cultural events, on Modernism and what it has meant for la Garriga and for Catalonia.
Guided tours, dramatized scenes, conferences, music, the traditional gala dinner, thermal circuits in the spas...

You can also go to the restaurants and taste modernist menus. The legacy of the kitchen is the result of a mixture of traditional cuisine cooked in the homes of peasant families with the most sophisticated recipes, often of French origin, brought by vacationing families.

Desfilada de persones amb vestuari d'estiueig
Desfilada de persones amb vestuari d'estiueig
Xerrada a Can Ramos
Xerrada a Can Ramos
Sopar de gala a l'Hotel Termes
Sopar de gala a l'Hotel Termes
Visites teatralitzades
Visites teatralitzades
Visites teatzalitzades davant balneari de Blancafort
Visites teatzalitzades davant balneari de Blancafort
Dues noies fent circuit termal Balneari Blancafort
Dues noies fent circuit termal Balneari Blancafort
Desfilada de persones amb vestuari d'estiueig
Xerrada a Can Ramos
Sopar de gala a l'Hotel Termes
Visites teatralitzades
Visites teatzalitzades davant balneari de Blancafort
Dues noies fent circuit termal Balneari Blancafort