Rosanes aerodrome and the historical sites of the Alt Congost

This webpage, created by the La Garriga, L’Ametlla del Vallès and Les Franqueses Town Councils, offers all the information about the historical site of Rosanes aerodrome, a civil aviation field dating from the 1930s which was later turned into a Republican airfield. It also includes information about other various projects linked to historical sites in the three towns. Among these is the railway station air raid shelter in La Garriga.

See the webpage:

The history of the River Congost

Pupils in Year 5 of Pinetons Primary school in La Garriga created a blog during the 2013/14 school year dedicated to explaining the historical importance of the River Congost and its uses by the people of La Garriga. The project was part of the Projecte d’Apadrinament Patrimonial (“Heritage Sponsorship Project”) founded three years previously by the ‘Área de Patrimoni de l’Ajuntament’ (the Town Council’s Heritage Department). This was completed by the unveiling of a commemorative plaque complete with QR code placed on the Can Jacob bridge in the Parc dels Pinetons, where a river landing has also been created.

You can visit the blog here: riucongostpinetons

El Camí

El Camí is a hiking path which is in the process of being created, aided by the community, which will enable walkers to cross the whole of Catalonia. A journey through culture, history, countryside and the spirit of our land.
The El Camí logo (a red incomplete number eight indicating the direction to follow) marks a route which already links La Garriga to Corró d’Amunt, passing along el Carrer la Doma, la plaça de l’Església and El Passeig. In the future the path will be marked as far as Figaró.

You can visit the webpage here:

L’Ametlla Interpretation Centre

The CITA in L’Ametlla del Vallès is the gateway to the heritage both of this Vallès town and the whole comarca in general.

You can visit the webpage here:

Catalonia’s historical sites

On the webpage of the Xarxa d’espais de Memòria de Catalunya (“Network of historical sites of Catalonia), created by the Memorial Democràtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya (the Catalan Government’s “Democratic Memorial”) you can find information about the Rosanes airfield and the railway station air raid shelter in La Garriga.

You can visit the webpage here:

The Montseny Natural Park

The webpage of the Montseny Natural Park contains a host of resources including information about natural and cultural heritage, hiking, water and the mountain range itself. Information about La Garriga is also included.

Tourism in the Vallès Oriental

The webpage of the Consorci de Turisme del Vallès Oriental (The Vallès Oriental Tourism Consortium). Here you can access tourist information for the La Garriga area.

 You can visit the webpage here:

Catalan spa resorts

The webpage of the Consorci de viles termales de Catalunya (The Catalonia Spa Resort Consortium), to which La Garriga belongs.

You can visit the webpage here:

Can Gual, agritourism

Agritourism offer in L’Ametlla del Vallès, close to La Garriga

You can visit the webpage here:
Les Oliveres, rural tourism

Rural tourism offer in Samalús, close to La Garriga

You can visit the webpage here: