- Christmas in La Garriga: the procession of the Three Wise Men, royal pages, and shepherds, the lantern-making workshops, play parks and competitions.
- The half marathon
- Carro de Fato presentation
- Prize-giving ceremony of the 7th “Mountains and Nature” photography competition and a look back at the 29th Nativity exhibition
- Commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing raid on La Garriga
- “Carnestoltes” (Carnival)
- Viladrau – La Garriga
- Candlemas concert
- The marathon
- The “Fira de la Botifarra” (“sausage fair”)
- Young performers concert series
- International Women’s Day
- Closing and opening activities of the “Voluntariat per la Llengua” (“language volunteers”)
- World Poetry Day recital
- You chose. Job search activities
- “Tres Tombs” Day (procession of riders on horseback, completing three laps of the town)
- “La Festa de l’Arbre”(“The Tree Festival”)
- “Caramelles” (festival of Easter songs)
- International Children’s Book Day
- La Garriga – Montserrat hike
- Saint Jordi
- Garriguenc Assembly Meeting at Puiggraciós
- Spring Poetry Festival
- Barri de Montserrat local festival
- “Terra de sons” (“World of sounds”) singer-songwriter concert series
- Spring Poetry Festival
- Les Tortugues Sports Centre distance race
- International Dance Day
- Catalonia Schools Badminton Championship
- Children and teens needlepoint workshop
- Schools exchange fair
- End of school sports year
- Sardanista (traditional Catalan dance) Festival
- Barri de Santa Rita local festival
- “Terra de sons” (“World of sounds”) singer-songwriter concert series
- Spring Poetry Festival
- Corpus Christi
- Sport Festival
- Football tournaments
- La Garriga Jazz Festival
- Noise festival friends
- The arrival of la Flama de Canigó (“The flame of Canigó”)
- Avi Musquera hockey tournament
- Modernist event
- Summer schools concert
- Handball season closing ceremony
- Summer dinner at l’Asil Hospital
- “12 Hours” basketball tournament
- Barri de Les Roques local festival
- 22nd church belltower climbing event
- “Divendres a la fresca” (“Friday in the open air”)
- Musical evenings at the theatre
- La Garriga mobilizes in support of mental illness
- Festa major (Town festival)
- Barri de Dalt local festival, St Cristòfol
- Town festival
- Barri de Sant Ramon local festival
- Botiga al carrer (“street market”)
- Film festival
- La Diada (National Day of Catalonia)
- Festival of Solidarity
- Cultural market / trades fair
- Barri de Narcisa Freixas local festival
- Pati Móbil Club cycle tour
- 11th classic car rally
- European heritage event
- “Diada Social” (“social day”) in Sant Cristòfol de Monteugues
- “Botiflerada”
- Evening of music and poetry at El Far
- Festive day for senior citizens
- 6th Lliga Intercomarcal d’Enganxes Amateur 2012 (chariot racing)
- Half marathon
- Castanyada (chestnut festival)
- Opening ceremony of the “Voluntariat per la Llengua” (“language volunteers”)
- Popular walk organized by the CEG
- All Saints concert
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
- Commercial campaign
- Festival of light
- Christmas activities (workshops, play park)