Bastons Amunt - Marxa Nòrdica
Pl. Ajuntament,
08480 L'Ametlla del Vallès

The Nordic Walking consists of adding the active use of specific sticks to the natural way of walking, in order for the rods to help us in pushing/propulsion forward during the march.

It is a social sport. It allows us to enjoy outdoors and contact with nature, and also leads us to discover the natural heritage that surrounds us. 

Standard Standard Classes of Nordic March: 

  • Green Group (half-moderate intensity)
    Monday: 9:15h h to 10:45 h / 17:30 h to 19:00 h 
  • Orange Groups (moderate-high intensity)
    Thursday: 9:15h h to 10:45 h / 18:15 h to 19:45 h