The activities are from Thursday to Sunday from Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi is one of the most popular festivals in La Garriga
The Festa del Corpus Christi is the traditional festival that is celebrated continuously throughout the municipality. The first written reference is that the Corpus Christi of La Garriga is from 1816. Currently, it is a popular, religious and cultural festival, one of the festivals with the highest participation by the citizens. I am glad to hear from the people who visit.
The celebration of Corpus Christi had a medieval origin (13th century). The festivities were established by Christianity taking advantage of ancient rituals of worship in nature to be adapted to the public veneration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Corpus Christi) in the form of a process that passed through the flowers made of floral elements.
This tradition of ancient pagan rituals and religious symbols is still present in the process in which giants, beasts, demons and other elements of our intangible cultural heritage coexist. There is a need for respectful coexistence between secular and religious culture.