Noi i noia vestit des de traginers
Punt de sortida:
Plaça de l'Església

from 5:30 p.m

  • 5.30 pm Inauguration of the Raspall Fund exhibition at Can Raspall  (c. dels Banys 40)
  • The exhibition will allow you to see part of the fund recently acquired by the city council, which came from Cèlia Raspall Mayol, younger sister and heir of the architect Joaquim Manel Raspall y Mayol, who kept documentation and photographs of the family, which range from 1870 to the 90s of the 20th century and which bear witness to the life and relationships of the most important architect for the Garriga. Roman Gausa i Rull, nephew of the architect, will present the exhibition and tell us some anecdotes and family memories that will put this fund into context.


  • 8 p.m. Opening of the conference, in front of the Patronat Theater (Passeig 42)
  • The representatives of the Garriga Modernista, in their gala costumes, will accompany us at the start of the conference, recreating this atmosphere on the Passeig. At the event, the diplomas of the 2023-24 modernist sewing workshop will be handed out.


  • 8.45 p.m. Popular dinner on the Passeig, in front of the Patronat Theater (Passeig 42)
  • El Passeig is decorated with a popular dinner organized by the modernist Garriga with the support of the Garriga Sardanista Group.
  • Dinner price €14, prepared by Can Candelich. Advance ticket sales can be made until October 7 at the Vallderiola Butcher (Calàbria, 74), Can Perris (Plaça Oliveres, 11) and Pou Calent (Banys 31). Vegetarians or people with food problems who need a vegetarian, gluten-free menu or adaptations for other allergies can request it by sending an email to


  • 10 p.m. Tent dance with the "Puntual Folk", in front of the Patronat Theater (Passeig 42)
  • With a musical repertoire, made up of dance genres typical of the noucentisme, as well as the fanalet, the ram or the toia dance, they will allow us to relive a marquee dance from the modernist era. The dance school "Ball a la Carta" will energize the ballad by teaching how to dance some of the dances.We look forward to enjoying dinner and dancing, if possible we suggest you come dressed in period clothing.