Foto aèria en blanc i negre, bombardeig. Text sobreposat Modernisme i guerra, històries creuades
Low difficulty
  • Individual: 4.5€
  • Reduced: € 3
  • Children under 8 years old: Free
Urban itinerary
  • Start: Can Raspall, C/ Banys, 40 La Garriga 
  • Schedule: from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
  • Estimated duration: 1.5 hours


In the 21st century, the modernist heritage forms one of the main attractions of La Garriga, marking its own identity thanks to places as special as Passeig, Illa Raspall or Balneari Blancafort. 

But is it what we see all that remains of those decades of brogitation and summering? Has La Garriga been able to preserve all the splendour of those years? 

Come and discover how the Modernism has been amputated, reformed or transformed over time, and even erased its existence.

  • SCHEDULED GUIDED VISITS: The visitor center regularly schedules guided tours (language: Catalan)

  • GUIDED VISITS CONCERT GROUPS: We adapt the day, the language (Spanish, English or French) and the visit to your needs.

  • For more information, prices and group reservations:  | tel. 610 477 823