Foto color sèpia dones rentant al riu, text sobreimprès: "Ruta de les dones de la Garriga"
  • Individual: 4.5€
  • Reduced: € 3
  • a 8 years: free
Urban itinerary
  • Starting point: Visitor Center
  • Estimated duration: 2.5 hours

This itinerary was born with the intention of publicizing the role that women have played throughout the history of the town, what activities they did, what roles they have played and how the invisibleization and undervaluation of everything that has to do with women, has meant an added burden.

  • SCHEDULED GUIDED VISITS: The visitor center regularly schedules guided tours (language: Catalan)

  • GUIDED VISITS CONCERT GROUPS: We adapt the day, the language (Spanish, English or French) and the visit to your needs.

  • For more information, prices and group reservations:  | tel. 610 477 823