Saligarda Jazz-Vent
Punt de sortida:
Teatre de la Garriga, El Patronat. El Passeig, 42
  • Activity language: Catalan

A les 19 h

The Saligarda Jazz-Vent is the Jazz or Big Band orchestra, of the Josep Aymerich Municipal School of Music in La Garriga and is made up entirely of young people between 15 and 21 years old, students and former students of the School of Music, and directed by Jordi Bargalló, teacher of the same school.

They will offer us a quite varied repertoire of styles, we can listen from the jazz of Benny Goodman or Glen Miller in the 1940s, to the most current jazz by composers such as Alfred James or Robert Buckley and also through several emblematic BSOs in the history of cinema.

Among his concerts outside the School, it is worth mentioning his participation in the “Youth Music Festival” held in Sneek (Netherlands).

  • Price Free



Saligarda jazz-vent