The baths gallery of Blancafort Spa in the 1920s |Photo given in by Víctor Krenn

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Guided tour

Schedule of guided tours

Guided itineraries are organized in the modernist Garriga on the second Saturday of the month, at 10am from Can Raspall:


-Guided itinerary: "Thermal and summer village" (Ruta Raspall)

-Guided itinerary: "Popular Modernism"


Check the dates in the Activities Agenda!

Route with audio guide

You can make the itinerary on your own with izi travel, to do so you can download the application on your mobile and by geolocation it will tell you which is the next point on the itinerary

La Garriga termal i modernista


The Garriga is Modernism. But by admiring and enjoying la Garriga Modernism we can learn and discover much more!

The current heritage and structure of la Garriga are decisively marked by the summer season. The arrival of holidaymakers represented a drastic change in the urban landscape of the municipality, but also in the social landscape. Traces of the town planning and architecture of those years are present throughout the town.

Art, architecture and nature join hands in the summer architecture of the late 19th century and the first third of the 20th. Eclectic, modernist and noucentist buildings will guide you on a short tour that will allow you to delve into the bourgeois world of a century ago.

Guide to Summer Modernism

Here is the link to the Guide to Modernism in the Garriga and the Vallès Oriental.


Download the guides here!


Itinerary plan

Related points of interest




Modernisme d'estiueg al Vallès Oriental
Modernisme d'estiueg al Vallès Oriental
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Balneari Blancafort
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El Patronat
El Patronat
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
Casa Barraquer
Casa Barraquer
Finestra de la Bombonera Foto: Miquela Lieu
Finestra de la Bombonera Foto: Miquela Lieu
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barbey Foto: Papiona
Casa Barbey Foto: Papiona
Casa Barbey Foto: Ametlla
Casa Barbey Foto: Ametlla
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto: Clicalull
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto: Clicalull
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme d'estiueg al Vallès Oriental
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Balneari Blancafort
El Patronat
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
El Passeig Foto: Pedro Garcia
Casa Barraquer
Finestra de la Bombonera Foto: Miquela Lieu
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barraquer Foto: PIN
Casa Barbey Foto: Papiona
Casa Barbey Foto: Ametlla
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto:Dasove
Modernisme a l' Illa Raspall Foto: Clicalull
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga
Modernisme a la Garriga