Festa Major 2024

See the entire program here

  • At 7:30 p.m., in Can Raspall, FOLLOWING THE START OF THE MAJOR PARTY¡
  • The set of dances and appetizers that make up the Garriguen festive retinue will announce the arrival of the Festa Major by making a pass through the streets of the center of town. The route will be: Can Raspall (pl. Santa Isabel), c. Figueral, Plaça del Silenci, c. Our Lady of Health, walk Dr. Vich and Church Square. Collaborates: Federation l'Enramada


  • At 8.15 p.m., in the Plaza de l'Església PRIVATE VOICE FOR THE MAJOR PARTY This year, the proclamation is a secret...


  • At 8:45 p.m., in Plaça de l'Església MAJOR PARTY DANCES Dances showing off the various elements of the Garriguen festive entourage. Collaboration: Federation l'Enramada



  • At 10 p.m., in the Plaza de l'Església VERSOTS
  • Reading of satirical verses and social criticism about events in the town and current issues. Will you be able to discover each of the seven deadly sins that are hidden there?Collaboration: ACR Front Diabólic de la Garriga



  • At 10 p.m., at the Teatre de la Garriga, The Board of Trustees WE ARE RONDALLA
  • The Rondalla Puiggraciós will offer us a series of pieces that include classical repertoire, popular music from the different peoples of the Mediterranean and other parts of the world, and contemporary music.Invitations: www.teatrelagarriga.cat


  • At 10.30 p.m., on Paseo Dr. Vich street parade with fireworks
  • Route: Passeig Vich, Plaça de les Oliveres, Passeig dels Til·lers, c. Calabria, c. Sant Ramon, c. Can Xic Corder, Passeig dels Til·lers, c. Our Lady of Health, c. Figueral, c. Bathrooms, Can Dachs square. Collaboration: ACR Front Diabólic de la Garriga.
  • If you are a minor, you must be accompanied by your legal guardian or responsible person.
  • At midnight, in the church square LA DERNIÈRE DANSE DE BRIGITTE, from the Cia. Zero in Conduct
  • Brigitte is so old that her memories are in black and white; so many, that if you ask him his age, he will tell you "many and a few more". Now he knows that the time has come; the exact moment when the last second will become eternal and there is no longer any point in accumulating more time. Before leaving, she will pack her luggage, filling her box with those memories that will keep her alive for the last time. Welcome and welcome to Brigitte's last dance.

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Espai Nits la Doma (avda. Sant Esteve 12)

  • From 10 p.m. Stop by the "Doma food and drink" gastronomic area and have a bite of the local gastronomic proposals with family and friends.


  • At 00.30 h BUHOS Buhos wants to keep burning the stages with the tour of their lives: L'INCENDI. A new staging that promises to be unforgettable. There will be no shortage of old hits such as Volcans or Barcelona lights up, nor new tracks such as Today is the day with the influencer Mar Lucas.


  • FLASHBACK PARTY New edition of LIVE & LOUD by FLAIXBAC. Special session by CARLES PÉREZ and MARC FRIGOLA. FLAIXBAC's greatest hits will play. With official merchandising and many surprises. Don't miss it!

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