I saw the Corpus de la Garriga carregat d'activitats
Gaudeix of the various activities that he is a fan of due to the Corpus de la Garriga festival.
FRIDAY 05/24
- At 7 p.m., Conference and presentation of the book 'Corpus, 700 years of celebration in Catalonia' at the Maurí Foundation (c. Cardedeu, 17) led by Carles Freixes Codina, director of the Museu Diocesà i Comarcal de Solsona and students of popular culture.
- At 5:30 p.m., Plantation of Gegants of the XXXIII Trobada Gegantera de la Garriga to the Plaça de Can Dachs.
- At 6 pm, Cercavila de gegants, from Plaça de Can Dachs, on c. del Centre, c. of Calàbria, c. of St. Ramon, c. of Cardedeu, c. of Nostra Senyora de la Salut, the Passeig, c. de la Mina, c. dels Banys, ends at Plaça de l'Església.
- At 6 p.m., Inauguration of the Corpus 2024 exhibition in the Andreu Dameson i Aspa exhibition hall. The exhibition will show the posters of the 38th Corpus Christi Poster Contest and you will be able to vote for the poster that will announce the Corpus Christi celebration in 2025. The exhibition hours will be from Sunday to Sunday from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the opening hours will be open. from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. At the exhibition, the creative efforts of the teachers who work at the Garriga schools will also be shown.
- At 7:30 p.m., Rain Balls and record breaking at the Plaça de l'Església with the Mataró la Llàntia, Vilassar de Dalt, Thüir, Taradell, Teià, Abrera, Sta. Eulàlia de Ronçana and St. Vicenç de Torelló colles. Organization for the Colla de Geganters i Grallers de la Garriga.
- At 6:45 p.m., general ringing of bells announcing the start of the festivities and the arrival of the garriguenc balls and hors d'oeuvres at the Plaça de Can Dachs.
- At 7 p.m., Solemn Corpus Service at the Parish Church.
- At 7:30 p.m., Entrance to Plaça del Seguici festiu and start of festivities at Plaça de l'Església. Parliaments of the authorities follow the Ball d'Homenatge along the path of the Garriga Balla.
- Next, Luïments of the following Garriguenc festival. The first batch of the entire garriguenc festival will donate the beginning of the Corpus Christi festivities to the display of rain from the various balls and hors d'oeuvres. With the participation of the ACR Front Diabòlic, the capgrosses Ginesta i Clavellot, the ball de nans, the ball de gegants, and the ball de cintes, accompanied by the six respective musics.
Enguany, the gigantic group premieres the new “Ball de Corpus”.
In finishing, final Esclat.
FRIDAY 05/31
- At 7:30 p.m., Sardaneses, ballad of sardanes and traditional Catalan dances in the Cobla Ciutat de Girona to the Plaça de l'Església. This activity is included in the “World Association Day”.
- Come dance traditional dances and sardanes! Members of the Ball de Gitanes and the Agrupació Sardanista will teach us how to dance.
- At 9:30 p.m., Corpus Concert with “Marala” at Can Luna (ctra. Nova, 28).
- Price €6. Buy tickets at https://teatrelagarriga.cat. Marala ens presents a powerful and hopeful album based on research on death in traditional music.The album combines synthetic sounds with other organic sounds, hi ha prophets and quadrat tambourines, hi sound rolls of Santa Claus, elegies, feminist reggaetons and the veus hi have a central role. A transgressor album, a mix of music and electronics, both a space for pain, rage and cure. Marala's concert has become a space sure to atone for everything: the irreverence, the recolliment, the macabre joke, the liturgy. The universe that Marala has generated from death ends up feeling a wave of fresh air that expands the confines of life.
- Buy your tickets here:
- At 11 a.m. Carnation collection in Can Luna. Collection of flowers for the entities, educational centers, streets and associations that participate in the making of the Corpus Christi carpets.
- At 4 p.m., Enramada in Plaça de l'Església. Traditional vine covering the walls of the streets of the Barrio de Sant Roc - El Center with native cane.
- At 5:30 p.m., Preparation of the carnations in the spaces assigned by the carpet organizations.
- In 2015, the flower carpets of the Garriga Corpus Christi festival were declared a Traditional Festive Element of National Interest, as a display of ephemeral floral art. The neighborhood associations, schools, organizations and companies that make Sunday carpets open their doors so that people who wish can collaborate by opening and preparing the carnations for the creation of the next day's carpets.
- Below we indicate the different spaces where you will find some of the carpet organizations: Carretera Nova 28, Can Luna (Giganters de la Garriga), Plaça de l'Església (La Once), c. Bathrooms 50 (Bathrooms III), c. Manel Raspall 2 (ISCAT); c. Bathrooms 18 (Bathrooms II), c. Pere Ballús 5 (Puigracios School), c. Cardedeu 30 (Cardedeu), ptge. Sant Ramon (Saint Ramon), ptge. Government (Calabria).
- At 6 p.m., Castellera de Corpus Day in Plaça del Silenci by the Xics de Granollers, Castellers Sagrada Família and Castellers de Terrassa.Come to the castles to make pineapple, experiencing them is better than seeing them!
- At 6:30 p.m., Concert-show "Venim de Clavé" performed by the Granollers Chamber Choir at the Teatre de la Garriga, the Patronat. Ticket price €10. Tickets sold at https://teatrelagarriga.cat /
- On the occasion of Clavé's bicentenary, this year it will be celebrated with a concert-show that will offer a selection of choral works by various authors, starting from Clavé himself and continuing with references such as Nicolau, Morera and Millet, and ending with essentials such as Taltabull, Oltra and Saderra The Cor de Cambra de Granollers will offer little gems that will allow us to take a trip back in time and grasp the greatness of this heritage, and we will have interventions narrated by Xavier Chavarria, who will guide us throughout the concert.
- With the collaboration of the Societat Choral l'Aliança, our town's Clavé Choir, founded in 1911.
- Buy your tickets here:
At 8 p.m., Garriguen Children's Follow-up in Plaça del Silenci. The gangs and children's sections of the different dances and appetizers are the protagonists! Come and see the Corpus Christi Vigil parade by the children's and youth gang of devils, the giants and the children's ribbon dance. From Plaça de l'Església, by c. of the Center, c. from Calabria, c. of Sant Ramon, c. from Can Xic Corder, Paseo dels Til·lers, Plaça de les Oliveres and Plaça del Silenci.
At 9 p.m., popular Corpus Christi dinner at the sports court no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n). The Federation of popular dances l'Enramada offers bar service and popular dinner. Dinner price: €15.
Advance sale of tickets while supplies last, at Bar la Plaça (c. del Center 35), at Refost del Pou Calent (c. dels Banys, 31) and at Can Perris (plaça de les Oliveres 11). -
At 11 p.m. Corpus Christi Concert with "Capinàs", the group that bring the party wherever they go thanks to their mestizo and energetic sound, characterized by the fusion of rumba with styles such as timba, cumbia, flamenco or funk
After an album and two singles, they return with a more current sound but without losing the mixed essence that characterizes them and with the same spirit of making it big wherever they go. -
Then, DJ Grau on the multi-sports court no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n).
From the early hours until noon, Making carpets and the Egg as it dances in the streets and town squares; in the Church square, c. of the Center, c. of the Doma, c. of Sant Francesc, ctra. de l'Ametlla, c. dels Banys, Plaça Santa Isabel, c. of Samalús, c. of Our Lady of Health, Plaça de les Oliveres, c. of Cardedeu, c. of Sant Ramon, c. from Calabria, c. trader
About thirty carpets of flowers will decorate the streets of the historic center. The steps of the Church and the facade of the town hall will also be decorated with floral elements, as well as four altars: one in Carrer la Doma (from the Asil Hospital), in the squares of Santa Isabel (Santa Rita neighborhood) , confluence c. Calabria with Sant Ramon and Plaça de les Oliveres (of the Residencia del Pilar). Once again, the traditional Ou com Balla, decorated with flowers, will be set up in the Plaça de l'Esglesia.
This year there will be the presence of a guest carpet, from the Japanese association "Hanae Japan" who will make a demonstration of ephemeral floral art with a carpet of flowers in the Church Square.
The entities, educational centers, neighborhoods and associations start early in the morning and stay until noon to make the flower carpets
At 8 a.m., Matinees in the streets of the center. The Grallarriga group with the tadpoles the Clavellot and the Ginesta will tour all the carpeted streets playing the traditional Toc de Matinades and announcing the start of the day.
From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 8 p.m. Open doors and visits to places of interest in the Garriga.
Can Raspall (c. dels Banys, 38). Visit of the space and tourist information point.
• Hotel Balneari Spa Termal Blancafort (c. de la Mina, 7), “Summer Market Blancafort 2024” in the hotel gardens.
Hotel Balneari Termes de la Garriga (c. dels Banys, 23)
Jardí de la Casa Barbey (c. de Figueral, 48)
Station bomb shelter (Ronda del Carril, 49 next to the train station)
• Maurí Foundation (c. de Cardedeu, 17)
• Miniature houses of the Asil Hospital (c. de la Doma, 18)
Accompanied by extras from the Garriga Modernista Association.
- From 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., the Josep Aymerich Municipal School of Music (EMM) puts on music for Corpus Christi, with performances in the garden of Casa Barbey.
- At 12.15 p.m., Official walk of the authorities.
- At 12.30 p.m., Ball de l'Ou com dances in Plaça de l'Esglesia. Interpretation of the piece L’Ou com balla by Ruben Salvador by Grallarriga.
- At 5.30 p.m., Traditional sardane dance in Can Dachs square. Audition and ballad of Sardanes with the Sabadell couplet.
- At 6 p.m., Presentation of the prize to the person who won the Corpus poster competition, by the Corpus la Garriga Cultural Association at the Andreu Dameson i Aspa Municipal Art and Exhibition Hall.
- At 6:30 p.m., Corpus Christi Balls in Can Dachs Square. Interpretation of the traditional Garriga Ribbon Dance and dances by La Garriga Balla. Exhibition of the various hors d'oeuvres with the participation of Clavellot and the Ginesta and the Garriga Dwarf Dance. The music will be provided by Grallarriga, the grallers of the Garriga.
- Then, General Ringing of bells and Going to Office from Plaça de Can Dachs to Plaça de l'Església with the participation of the festive entourage of La Garriga and La Cobla Sabadell.
- At 7:30 p.m., Solemn Service of Corpus Christi in the Parish Church with liturgical singing and the Ribbon Ball by the Garriga Balla and Tocats del Grall.
- Then, Solemn Procession of