Marató - malalties respiratòries
Punt de sortida:
Consorci del Moble de la Garriga, c. Vic, 60

At 9 a.m


The Hospitality Guild of Vallès Oriental, with the collaboration of Les Guilles. Juntos pels Camins organizes a walk that will leave at 9 a.m. from the Garriga Furniture Consortium and go up to Sant Cristòfol.

  • Registration price: €10 for adults and €5 for children.


Called by the Gremi d'Hostaleria del Vallès Oriental, establishments in Granollers will offer a solidarity dinner at Can Luna de la Garriga, which will be completed with the show of the monologist Pilar Ordóñez, Miss Tupper Sex.

The restaurateurs participate: Os Galegos, D.O. and Orxateria Les Olles, as well as El Portal Vell and El Guillat de Lliçà d'Amunt, the Bocactoria de Canovelles and Can Parera de Parets

  • The registration fee for the dinner - show is €60

Payments for both activities can be made through account ES67 0182 1714 1302 0023 4130. The name and proof of entry must be sent to

The profits from both actions will go entirely to the 3Cat Marathon, which this year is dedicated to respiratory diseases.