Cartell jornades modernistes
Punt de sortida:
Plaça de l'Església
  • From 4 to 7 p.m. Visits to homes for the elderly
  • Modernist walk in the Garriga residences, with the collaboration of the Garriga Modernista and members of the sewing workshop, who will wear modernist clothing.


  • 7 p.m. Presentation of the book "The Theater of Nature in Catalonia" at Can Raspall (c. dels Banys 40)
  • By Francesc Viñas, Joan Monells and with the collaboration of the Strogoff Bookstore and the publishing house Godall Edicions.The Teatre de la Natura in Catalunya describes a theatrical phenomenon that claimed the landscape as a stage. From 1898 to 1928, a whole series of plays were performed in forests, parks, squares, velodromes, gardens and even beaches in many places in Catalonia, becoming not only a theatrical but also a social phenomenon.