Casal Rosanes @Anna Mas



  • More information and bookings of guided tours: or by calling 610 477 823




Ruta virtual




The representation of feudalism in the Garriga

Although there was a tower at least since the 10th century, the large house of Rosanes today has its origin between the 12th and 13th centuries, when the fortified house was built, prepared for the armed defense that forms the heart of the construction that we can see today.

The Rosanes were, at that time, the most important feudal family in La Garriga, directly related to the Catalan counts-kings. Some of the family's characters, such as Galceran III de Rosanes, played an important role in medieval Catalonia.

Afterwards the house evolved into a large modern rural property, currently dedicating part of its spaces to the restaurant business, and declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest. If you have a chance, get closer and admire the whole!

Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas
Casal de Rosanes | Anna Mas