Retaule de la Doma | Amador Álvarez




Ruta virtual

The medieval Garriga altarpiece

The complex that includes the old parish church, the buildings of the domery and the old cemetery is known as the Doma.

Although it has been known since the 10th century, the oldest part of the current church is the central Romanesque nave, built in the 12th century, which preserves a magnificent Gothic altarpiece of Saint Stephen, from the end of the 15th century. It is an exceptional piece of art, the most important of the set.

The current appearance of the church, however, dates from the 16th century, when the side nave with the entrance door to the temple, the deep chapel, the sacristy, the bell tower, the common room and the choir were built, all folded in late Gothic style.

In the surroundings of the church, in the old cemetery, you will find interesting architectural and sculptural works and notable characters such as the architect Manuel J. Raspall are buried there.


La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Foto: Blancafort
La Doma | Foto: Blancafort
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | Marià Julià
La Doma | Marià Julià
Panell interpretatiu
Panell interpretatiu
Panell interpretatiu
Panell interpretatiu
Retaule | Amador Álvarez
Retaule | Amador Álvarez
La Doma | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
Panteó familiar | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma vista nocturna | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Anna Mas
La Doma | Foto: Blancafort
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | ICC
La Doma | Marià Julià
Panell interpretatiu
Panell interpretatiu
Retaule | Amador Álvarez