08470 Fogars de Montclús
The trail is a circular route on an asphalt pavement and wooden walkway starts from the Interpretation Center.
The whole circuit is delimited on both sides by a cement curb and in the sections of wooden walkways there are handrails on both sides.
The floor is homogeneous with no gaps and no protrusions.
The adapted itinerary of Santa Fe begins in Can Casades, information center of the Natural Park. Once outside the enclosure, it continues down to the Santa Fe stream, crosses it and descends to the west, following the path of Can Lleonart. When you reach the path of Cal Trompo, cross it and continue along the Santa Fe stream to reach the Font del Frare. From this point you return to Can Casades, passing near the parking lot of the restaurant l'Avet Blau.
The accessible route has a length of 1.1 km in a circular shape.
Free loan service of adapted material: handbikes bicycles, third wheels to adapt to the user's chair and adapted dossiers of flora and fauna routes.
The service can be requested on site or in advance by completing a loan form.
In the Can Casades Information Center you will find brochures in braille from the Natural Park.
(Data verified in the field by technicians in accessibility for the Catalan Tourism Agency)