Can Barbey

This is a self-guided tour, which you can do for free on your own. If, however, you are interested in a guided tour, check here for Prices and timetables

Urban itinerary
Tourist visit
  • You will listen to the audio guide using your mobile phone, it is recommended to bring headphones
  • Route that starts at the Visitor Center and passes through different urban areas of the Garriga
  • During your visit, observe the spaces and enjoy the surroundings, without leaving your waste footprint
Route with audio guide

You can do the itinerary on your own with an audio guide, to do this you can download the izi travel application on your mobile to listen to it, it will tell you the next point on the itinerary through geolocation.

Download the audio guide

The Garriga is Modernism. But by admiring and enjoying the Garriga Modernism we can learn and discover much more!

We propose an itinerary that covers the most significant spaces of the modernist Garriga and discovers the new Garriguen area created between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. A residential, bourgeois and thermal garden city that was born between dryland and forest landscapes.

More info and links:



Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Casa Reig
Casa Reig
Balneari Blancafort
Balneari Blancafort
Can Durall
Can Durall
Casa Santamaria - Passeig
Casa Santamaria - Passeig
Casa Bosch
Casa Bosch
Casa Pere Serra
Casa Pere Serra
Illa Raspall - Casa Barraquer
Illa Raspall - Casa Barraquer
Illa Raspall - Bombonera
Illa Raspall - Bombonera
Illa Raspall - Torre Iris
Illa Raspall - Torre Iris
Illa Raspall - Can Barbey
Illa Raspall - Can Barbey
Plaça del Silenci
Plaça del Silenci
Illa Raspall - Can Ramos
Illa Raspall - Can Ramos
Can Recoder
Can Recoder
Can Plandiura
Can Plandiura
Termes la Garriga
Termes la Garriga
Can Raspall
Casa Reig
Balneari Blancafort
Can Durall
Casa Santamaria - Passeig
Casa Bosch
Casa Pere Serra
Illa Raspall - Casa Barraquer
Illa Raspall - Bombonera
Illa Raspall - Torre Iris
Illa Raspall - Can Barbey
Plaça del Silenci
Illa Raspall - Can Ramos
Can Recoder
Can Plandiura
Termes la Garriga