From the 2nd to the 11th of June, enjoy the activities that take place on the occasion of the Corpus de la Garriga festival.
FRIDAY 02/06
- 8 p.m. Conference: "Corpus Christi, a key element for Catalan festive identity" at the Maurí Foundation (c. Cardedeu 17). Corpus Christi is a festival with more than two hundred years of history in La Garriga. Since last year, the most representative elements of the festive imagery represented by the entourage have been paraded there. The conference will deal with the symbolic role played by each of these components of popular culture in the party. By Nil Rider, archivist and intangible heritage technician of the Cathedral of Barcelona.
- 5:30 p.m. Plantation of Giants in the XXXII meeting of giants of La Garriga in Plaça de Can Dachs.
- 6 p.m. Parade of giants Route: from Plaça Can Dachs, carrer del Centre, Calabria, St. Ramon, Cardedeu, Our Mrs. de la Salut, Passeig, la Mina, Banys, Plaça de l’Esglesia.
- 6 p.m. Opening of the "Corpus 2023" exhibition at the Andreu Dameson i Aspa Municipal Art and Exhibition Hall (Pl. Can Dachs).
The exhibition will show the posters of the "37th Poster Competition" and it will be possible to vote for the poster that will announce the Feast of Corpus Christi for 2024. The exhibition hours will be from Monday to Friday from 4.30pm to 8pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The exhibition will also show the work of creating the carpets made by the Escoles de la Garriga.
- 7:30 p.m. Show dances and gifting of souvenirs in the Church Square. We will be accompanied by the gangs of Aiguafreda, Borges del Camp, Barri del Poble Nou de Manresa, Piera, Olesa de Montserrat, Sant Hilari Sacalm, Castellterçol and Gualba. Organized by the Giants and Grallers of the Garriga.
- 12:00 Inauguration of the exhibition "La canalla". The exhibition, which will be on until June 30, will show the illustrations of Pere Iglesias that express the feeling of the scoundrel in the creation of carpets for the feast of Corpus Christi.
- 6:45 p.m. General ringing of bells announcing the start of the festivities and the arrival of La Garriga’s dances and appetizers in Plaça de Can Dachs.
- 7 p.m. Corpus Solemnity Office. In the Church of Sant Esteve de la Garriga.
- 7:30 p.m. Start of festivities in the Church Square. Sons de Corpus, musical and performative action of the sound elements that make up the Party of Corpus de la Garriga. A sound piece that combines all the sounds that will surely evoke images and memories of the party. By the interdisciplinary artist Pol Aumedes.
- Parliaments of the authorities followed by the Tribute Ball by the organization la Garriga Balla.
- Next, Ostentation of La Garriga’s festive entourage. The first departure of the complete La Garriga’s festive entourage will mark the start of the Corpus Christi festivities with the display of splendor of the various dances and appetizers. The ACR Front Diabólic, the giants Ginesta and Clavellot, the dance of dwarfs, the dance of giants and the ribbon dance will take part. The music will be provided by Grallarriga, the grallers of the Garriga.
- At the end, Thunder to start the festivities and show off together.
- At 8pm "Sardanses" Ballad of sardanes and traditional Catalan dances with the Cobla Mediterrània in Plaça de l'Església.
- Come and dance traditional and Sardinian dances! The members of the Gypsy Dance and the Sardanista Group will teach you how to dance them.
- 10:30 p.m. Corpus Christi concert with Guillem Roma at Can Luna, ctra. New 28.
The new album 'Postureo Real', an album full of renewed energy and full of songs that will make us dance and encounter the beauty of the things that surround us. After traveling far with his latest works, Guillem Roma takes a path back home, towards essence and naturalness. Surrounded by a luxury band, the artist from Osona premieres a new show with an original staging that will take us into a universe full of magic and emotion. Price €6. Buy tickets at Teatre de la Garriga, the Patronat
- 11 a.m. Picking carnations in Can Luna.
Collection of flowers for the entities, educational centers, streets and associations that participate in the making of the Corpus Christi carpets.
- 4 p.m. Enramada in the Church Square.
The traditional wreath that covers the walls of the streets of the Neighbourhood Sant Roc - El Center begins with native cane.
- 5:30 p.m. We prepare the carnations in the spaces assigned by the carpet organizations.
In 2016, the flower carpets of the Corpus Christi festival in La Garriga were declared a Traditional Festive Element of National Interest, as a display of ephemeral floral art. The carpet organizations that make the carpets on Sunday open the doors of different spaces the day before so that people who wish can collaborate by opening and preparing the carnations for the creation of carpets the next day.
- 6 p.m. Castellers Day and Corpus in Plaça del Silenci.
By the Xics de Granollers and invited gangs from Castellers de Caldes and Manyacs de Parets. Come and play with the gangs from Valais!
- 7 p.m. Concert by the Choral Society l'Aliança and the Gaia choir in Plaça Can Dachs.
The Gaia Choir has been invited to the traditional Corpus choral concert this year. It is a female choir directed by Maria Illa and formed entirely by women that was born in 2021 at the Amics de la Unió de Música School in Granollers. They perform a 3-voice pop-rock repertoire, with songs from Adele, Alicia Keys, Rachel Platten or Katy Perry among others.
- 8 p.m. La Garriga’s children's follow-up in Plaça del Silenci.
The gangs and children's sections of the different dances and appetizers are the protagonists! Come and see the Corpus Christi Vigil parade with the children's gang of devils, the giants and the children's ribbon dance. Route: Plaça de l'Església, Center, Calabria, Sant Ramon, Can Xic Corder, Pg. dels Til·lers, Plaça de les Oliveres and multi-sports track no. 1.
- 9 p.m. Popular snacks and a concert with the Whiskey Pichers in Barri de Dalt (c. Negociant).
The Barri de Dalt offers us a popular sandwich dinner with Garriga sausage from the neighborhood shops. Advance sale of Kabells & Tints dinner (c. Calabria 67). The group Wisky Pichers will offer a cover concert.
9 p.m. Corpus Christi popular dinner at the Sports Court no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n)
The Corpus la Garriga Cultural Association and the Enramada Federation, which includes popular culture dance organizations, will offer bar service and a popular dinner. Advance sale of dinner at Bar la Plaça (c. del Center 35), at Refost del Pou Calent (c. dels Banys, 31) and Can Perris, (plaça de les Oliveres 11).
11 p.m. Corpus Christi concert with Joan Garriga i el Mariatxi galàctic at Pista poliesportiva no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n).
A festive concert to enjoy the worlds of Joan Garriga's accordion: the Mediterranean of havanera and rai, the Latin Caribbean, the Jamaica of reggae and dub and obviously, the north of Mexico that inspires his training. Accompanied by his faithful companion of a thousand battles, Marià Roch (bass), the stoker of the rhythmic boiler, Rambo (drums), and guitarist Madjid Fahem (Manu Chao, La Ventura), the true heir of Gato Pérez dedicates himself to the 'Olympus of fusion without confusion.
Afterwards, DJ Tiwi at the multi-sports court no. 1.
You won't have danced enough with Joan Garriga that now Tiwi's sonata will come to make you move your waist from one side to the other based on pure musical hits. Passing through salsa, funky and the purest reggaetón, the party will continue high until it's time to go to the carpet.
- From the first hour. Making carpets and the Egg as Balla in Plaça de l'Església, c. del Centre, la Doma, Sant Francesc, ctra. de l'Ametlla, Banys, Samalús, Plaça Santa Isabel, Our Lady of Health, Plaça de les Oliveres, Calabria, Cardedeu, Sant Ramon and Negociant.
Decoration of the facade of the Town Hall and the square with a total of 28 carpets of flowers along the town streets and a floral mural in the Barri de Dalt. Assembly and decoration of three altars: one in Carrer la Doma (from the Asil Hospital), in the squares of Santa Isabel (Santa Rita neighborhood) and les Oliveres (from the Residencia del Pilar). Making and assembly of the Egg as Balla in the Plaça de l'Església.
Entities, schools, neighborhoods and associations start early in the morning and stay until noon to make the flower carpets.
- 8 a.m. Mornings in the streets where carpets are made.
Passage of the Grallarriga group of grallers through all the streets performing the traditional Toc de Matinades and announcing, together with Ginesta and Clavellot, the start of the day.
- From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 8 p.m. Open doors and visits to places of interest in the Garriga.
or Can Raspall (c. Banys, 38). Visit of the space and tourist information point.
or Casa Barbey - garden (c. Figueral, 48)
or Miniature houses of the Asil Hospital (c. la Doma 18)
or Fundació Mauri (c. Cardedeu, 17)
or Hotel Balneari Spa Termal Blancafort (c. Mina 7). Catifa del Blancafort and Summer Market at hotel gardens.
or Hotel Balneari Termes de la Garriga (c. Banys 23)
or Hotel Boutique Edelweiss (c. Rosselló d'Amunt 9) (Opening hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
or Station Anti-Aircraft Shelter (Ronda del Carril, 49 next to the train station)
or La Doma - church (Av. de Sant Esteve, 1) (Opening hours from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Accompanied by extras from the Garriga Modernista Association.
From 9 am to 2 pm. Radio Silenci special program from Plaça de l'Esglesia.
- From 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Municipal School of Music (EMM) puts on music on Corpus Christi, performances in the garden of the Barbey house.
- 12:15 p.m. Official walk of the authorities.
- 12:30 p.m. Ball de l'Ou com Balla in Plaça de l'Esglesia.
Interpretation of the piece "L'Ou com Balla" by Ruben Salvador in the charge of Grallarriga.
- 5:30 p.m. Traditional sardana dance in Plaça Can Dachs.
Audition and ballad of Sardanes with the Sabadell couplet.
- 6 p.m. Presentation of the prize to the person who won the Corpus poster competition, by the Corpus la Garriga Cultural Association at the Andreu Dameson i Aspa municipal art and exhibition hall.
- 6:30 p.m. Corpus Christi Balls in Plaça Can Dachs.
Interpretation of the traditional Garriga Ribbon Dance and dances by La Garriga Balla. Display of the various hors d'oeuvres with the participation of the giants, Clavellot and the Ginesta and the Ball of Dwarves from the Garriga. The music will be provided by Grallarriga, the grallers of the Garriga.
Then, General ringing of bells and going to Office from Plaça Can Dachs to Plaça de l'Església with the participation of the festive entourage of La Garriga and La Cobla Sabadell.
- 7:30 p.m. Solemn Service of Corpus Christi with the participation of the Sant Esteve Parish School and the Garriga giants.
- Then, Corpus Christi Procession through the carpeted streets.
Solemn Procession led by the Garriga's festive entourage made up of the Ball of Devils, the Ball of Dwarves, the Ball of Giants, the Ball of Ribbons and the Grallers making way for the religious procession. Participation of Cobla Sabadell and Escolania Parroquial.
- At the end of the procession, final light of the festive entourage in Plaça de l'Esglesia.
- End of party nail polish.