El Passeig | Anna Mas





Route with audio guide

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The bourgeois branch that changed La Garriga

The most transcendental urban, social and economic changes in the history of La Garriga revolve around the Passeig.

At the end of the 19th century, the town became a hub of attraction for the Barcelona bourgeoisie, which found a quiet and pleasant atmosphere to spend the summer. The large expansion of summer, full of large bourgeois towers, has its central axis on the Passeig.
Started in 1878 and more than a kilometer long, today the Passeig is still the ideal place to take a quiet walk and immerse yourself fully in the relaxed and luxurious world of the bourgeoisie 100 years ago. And at the same time it is the great example of the transformation of historical rural spaces into new urbanized spaces, which respond to very different social and economic needs.

It is currently one of the meeting points of the garrigue life, ideal for walking or running. It is also on the Passeig where you will find Illa Raspall and the Teatre de la Garriga, the Patronat.



El Passeig | Anna Mas
El Passeig | Anna Mas
Vista del Patronat | Anna Mas
Vista del Patronat | Anna Mas
El Passeig | Anna Mas
El Passeig | Anna Mas
El Passeig anys 20
El Passeig anys 20
El Passeig | Joan Pedret
El Passeig | Joan Pedret
El Passeig 1913 | Albert Benzekry
El Passeig 1913 | Albert Benzekry
El Passeig nocturn |Pedro Garcia
El Passeig nocturn |Pedro Garcia
El Passeig | Anna Mas
Vista del Patronat | Anna Mas
El Passeig | Anna Mas
El Passeig anys 20
El Passeig | Joan Pedret
El Passeig 1913 | Albert Benzekry
El Passeig nocturn |Pedro Garcia