Nucli antic

It is a self-guided itinerary, which you can do for free on your own. If you are interested, however, in a guided tour, check here the Prices and timetables



Urban itinerary
Tourist visit
  • Tour that has the starting point in the Visitor Center and passes through different urban points of La Garriga
  • During your visit, observe the spaces and enjoy the environment, without leaving your waste footprint
Route with audio guide

You can do the itinerary on your own with audio guide, to do so you can download the izi travel application on your mobile and a geolocation system will indicate what is the next point of the itinerary.

Route with audio guide

The current town of La Garriga has its origin in the 14th century and cannot be understood without knowing its evolution throughout the Late Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Various factors –the thermal waters, the royal road, the Rec Monar – are key to explaining how and why it arose and grew.

Medieval houses, the royal road, chapels and churches, squares... the main elements of architecture a few centuries ago in a small tour of the historic center of the town.


More info and links:


Plaça Santa Isabel
Plaça Santa Isabel
Can Maiol Can Raspall | CDH
Can Maiol Can Raspall | CDH
Can Pere Fuster
Can Pere Fuster
Can Busquets
Can Busquets
Plaça Can Dachs | CDH la Garriga
Plaça Can Dachs | CDH la Garriga
Can Sarracató
Can Sarracató
Can Surell
Can Surell
Plaça Església |CDH la Garriga
Plaça Església |CDH la Garriga
Plaça de les Oliveres
Plaça de les Oliveres
Font Santa Digna
Font Santa Digna
Can Raspall
Can Raspall
Casa Reig
Casa Reig
Balneari Blancafort
Balneari Blancafort
Can Durall
Can Durall
Casa Santamaria Passeig
Casa Santamaria Passeig
Casa Bosch
Casa Bosch
Casa Pere Serra
Casa Pere Serra
Casa Barraquer
Casa Barraquer
Torre Iris
Torre Iris
Plaça del Silenci principis s XX | CDH la Garriga
Plaça del Silenci principis s XX | CDH la Garriga
Can Ramos
Can Ramos
Can Recoder
Can Recoder
Can Plandiura
Can Plandiura
Termes Garriga
Termes Garriga
Pou Calent
Pou Calent
Plaça Santa Isabel
Can Maiol Can Raspall | CDH
Can Pere Fuster
Can Busquets
Plaça Can Dachs | CDH la Garriga
Can Sarracató
Can Surell
Plaça Església |CDH la Garriga
Plaça de les Oliveres
Font Santa Digna
Can Raspall
Casa Reig
Balneari Blancafort
Can Durall
Casa Santamaria Passeig
Casa Bosch
Casa Pere Serra
Casa Barraquer
Torre Iris
Plaça del Silenci principis s XX | CDH la Garriga
Can Ramos
Can Recoder
Can Plandiura
Termes Garriga
Pou Calent