Punt de sortida:
Plaça de l'Església
- At 11 am, Carnation collection in Can Luna. Collection of flowers for the entities, educational centers, streets and associations that participate in the making of the Corpus Christi carpets.
- At 4 p.m., Enramada in Plaça de l'Església. Traditional vine covering the walls of the streets of the Barrio de Sant Roc - El Center with native cane.
- At 5:30 p.m., Preparation of the carnations in the spaces assigned by the carpet organizations. In 2015, the flower carpets of the Garriga Corpus Christi festival were declared a Traditional Festive Element of National Interest, as a display of ephemeral floral art. The neighborhood associations, schools, organizations and companies that make the carpets on Sunday open their doors so that people who wish can collaborate by opening and preparing the carnations for the creation of the next day's carpets.
- Below we indicate the different spaces where you will find some of the carpet organizations: Carretera Nova 28, Can Luna (Giganters de la Garriga), Plaça de l'Església (La Once), c. Bathrooms 50 (Bathrooms III), c. Manel Raspall 2 (ISCAT); c. Bathrooms 18 (Bathrooms II), c. Pere Ballús 5 (Puigracios School), c. Cardedeu 30 (Cardedeu), ptge. Sant Ramon (Saint Ramon), ptge. Government (Calabria).
- At 6 p.m., Castellera de Corpus Day in Plaça del Silenci by the Xics de Granollers, Castellers Sagrada Família and Castellers de Terrassa. Come to the castles to make pineapple, experiencing them is better than seeing them!
- At 6:30 p.m., "Venim de Clavé" concert-show by the Granollers Chamber Choir at the Teatre de la Garriga, the Patronat. Ticket price €10 ticket sales at https://teatrelagarriga.cat/
- On the occasion of Clavé's bicentenary, this year it will be celebrated with a concert-show that will offer a selection of choral works by various authors, starting from Clavé himself and continuing with references such as Nicolau, Morera and Millet, and ending with essentials such as Taltabull, Oltra and Saderra The Cor de Cambra de Granollers will offer small gems that will allow us to take a trip back in time and grasp the greatness of this heritage, and we will have interventions narrated by Xavier Chavarria, who will guide us throughout the concert. With the collaboration of the Societat Choral l'Aliança, our town's Clavé Choir, founded in 1911.
- At 8 p.m., Garriguen Children's Follow-up in Plaça del Silenci. The gangs and children's sections of the different dances and appetizers are the protagonists! Come and see the Corpus Christi Vigil parade by the children's and youth gang of devils, the giants and the children's ribbon dance. From Plaça de l'Esglesia, by c. of the Center, c. Calabria, c. Sant Ramon, c. Can Xic Corder, Passeig dels Til·lers, Plaça de les Oliveres and Plaça del Silenci.
- At 9 p.m., popular Corpus Christi dinner at the sports court no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n). The Federation of popular dances l'Enramada offers bar service and popular dinner. Dinner price: €15. Advance sale of tickets while supplies last, at Bar la Plaça (c. del Center 35), at Refost del Pou Calent (c. dels Banys, 31) and at Can Perris (plaça de les Oliveres 11).
- At 11 p.m. Corpus Christi Concert with "Capinàs", the group that brings the party wherever they go thanks to their mestizo and energetic sound, characterized by the fusion of rumba with styles such as timba, cumbia, flamenco or the funk. After an album and two singles, they return with a more current sound but without losing the hybrid essence that characterizes them and with the same spirit of making it big wherever they go.
- Then, DJ Grau on the multi-sport court no. 1 (c. Pere Ballús, s/n).