Punt de sortida:
Teatre de la Garriga, el Patronat (el Passeig, 42)
At 5:30 p.m
The human being is beautiful when he is fair, crazy, tender, brutal, but above all when he needs the other.
A balance between the animal and the human, a dance between the useless and the beautiful. Three characters build and destroy the present with no other goal than to challenge boredom. They know each other so well they don't need to talk. They inhabit a world in which something happened, but we don't know what. They look for a little of this in tins, which when shared multiplies. An invitation to play indifferent to any thought. A moment of shared happiness, with one foot in this world, and another in a timeless land.
- Price €6
- Show recommended by the National Theater and Auditorium Network included in the PLATEA program