Tour through Malhivern, boy on bicycle with mountain behind
11.00 km
Low difficulty
Low difficulty
  • The itineraries connect Garriga with other nearby municipalities.They are different simple or moderate routes, ranging from 20 minutes to a maximum of one hour, depending on the destination.
  • These itineraries have been signposted by the organization Pedalem la Garriga, a collective that works for the promotion and development of bicycle mobility in the Garriga.
  • The marked paths are always safe, designed for the enjoyment of cycling routes for all audiences.

The network of inter-municipal interconnection cycle routes promotes safer forms of communication that avoid the car:

These itineraries have been signposted by the organization Pedalem la Garriga, a collective that works for the promotion and development of bicycle mobility in La Garriga. The marked paths are always safe, designed for the enjoyment of bicycle routes for all audiences.

Logo Pedalem la Garriga
Jove marcant l'itinerari de bicicleta
Jove marcant l'itinerari de bicicleta
Marca de la senyalització Cardedeu - La Garriga
Marca de la senyalització Cardedeu - La Garriga
Jove en bicicleta i imatge de camps al costat
Jove en bicicleta i imatge de camps al costat
Dues persones circulant al costat de zona de camps
Dues persones circulant al costat de zona de camps
Logo de Pedalem la Garriga
Logo de Pedalem la Garriga
Jove marcant l'itinerari de bicicleta
Marca de la senyalització Cardedeu - La Garriga
Jove en bicicleta i imatge de camps al costat
Dues persones circulant al costat de zona de camps
Logo de Pedalem la Garriga