11.00 km
Low difficulty
Low difficulty
- The itineraries connect Garriga with other nearby municipalities.They are different simple or moderate routes, ranging from 20 minutes to a maximum of one hour, depending on the destination.
- These itineraries have been signposted by the organization Pedalem la Garriga, a collective that works for the promotion and development of bicycle mobility in the Garriga.
- The marked paths are always safe, designed for the enjoyment of cycling routes for all audiences.
The network of inter-municipal interconnection cycle routes promotes safer forms of communication that avoid the car:
- La Garriga - El Figaró Montmany
- Bigues i Riells- La Garriga (without going through the river)
- La Garriga - Bigues i Riells
- La Garriga - Cànoves
- La Garriga - Granollers
- La Garriga - Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana
- La Garriga - L'Ametlla (circular)
- Cardedeu - La Garriga
These itineraries have been signposted by the organization Pedalem la Garriga, a collective that works for the promotion and development of bicycle mobility in La Garriga. The marked paths are always safe, designed for the enjoyment of bicycle routes for all audiences.