
Regular programming on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Consult here

Built in 1913 (with a modernist facade), the venue has a hundred years of history of leisure and culture in the Garriga.

The cinema opened the Café - now gone - in 1914. It was the venue for political gatherings, dance and theater shows. The first projections date from 1928.


Consulta aquí tota la programació 

  • A les 19.30 h, a Can Raspall SEGUICI D'INICI DE FESTA MAJOR
  • El conjunt de balls i entremesos que conformen el seguici festiu garriguenc anunciaran l'arribada de la Festa Major fent una passada pels carrers del centre del poble. El recorregut serà: Can Raspall (pl. Santa Isabel), c. Figueral, plaça del Silenci, c. Nostra Senyora de la Salut, passeig Dr. Vich i plaça de l'Església. Col·labora: Federació l'Enramada


  • at 7 p.m

Repertoire: Magnificat RV61 by Antoni Vivaldi, 6 Notturni KV 346,436-439 and 549 by W.A. Mozart and Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo XXII/7 by Franz Joseph Haydn

Organized by: Coral Ariadna


Language: Catalan

Water, a journey for the senses is an inclusive and dramatized itinerary that takes place along the adapted route of the Frare spring, bordering the Santa Fe creek, in the Montseny Natural Park. Biosphere Reserve.

In the hands of unique characters, participants will take a journey through the senses, sensations and emotions. This is an initiative designed to welcome everyone: old and small, with mobility difficulties or with some sensory, intellectual or physical disability.

Participation is free and for all ages.


From 11th to 13th of October, the Garriga Modernist Days arrive.

An event that aims to reflect, through different recreational and cultural events, on the catalan modernist movement and what its heritage has meant for the Garriga and the country.

The Modernist Conferences look into the figure of architects who left their mark on the Garriga and, at the same time, touch on some key characters in the history of the movement.


Language: Catalan

Water, a journey for the senses is an inclusive and dramatized itinerary that takes place along the adapted route of the Frare spring, bordering the Santa Fe creek, in the Montseny Natural Park. Biosphere Reserve.

In the hands of unique characters, participants will take a journey through the senses, sensations and emotions. This is an initiative designed to welcome everyone: old and small, with mobility difficulties or with some sensory, intellectual or physical disability.

Participation is free and for all ages.