Cartell horari punt lila

Again, and for a Festa Major free of sexist behavior and possible sexual assaults, the City Council is once again launching the "Festa libre, fes te libre!" campaign.

The campaign, which will feature the Lila Point at Espai Nits la Doma on the 3 nights of the celebration, this year presents some new features.

The inclusion of an itinerant couple that will move around Espai Nits and other parts of the municipality with the aim of detecting (and intervening if necessary) in situations of sexist and lgbtiphobic violence and reporting on the Punt Lila service is noteworthy. He will also distribute informative flyers.

Another novelty is the installation of a photo booth where you can take pictures with banners with messages about positive relationships and against gender violence. You can even make your own poster.

Last year, 622 people passed through Punt Lila during the Festa Major. Two of these were treated for having had situations of gender violence in the past.


Bar staff training

The campaign "Free party, be free!" it also includes training for the people who will wear the Festa Major bars on the Protocol for Addressing Gender Violence, in order to be able to play an active role in prevention, detection and care. The session was held on Thursday 25 July and had representatives from Brou del Mestre, Som Disset, Club Handbol la Garriga, Ateneu el Safareig and Barri de Dalt.

On the other hand, a few days earlier, there was also training on the responsible dispensing of alcohol, as part of Plan C17, with the aim of preventing and reducing the risks of excessive alcohol and other drug consumption during the holidays .