Imatge de regadiu barri de Querol

This is a self-guided tour, which you can do for free on your own. If, however, you are interested in a guided tour, check here for prices and times

Rural itinerary
Tourist visit
  • You will listen to the audio guide using your mobile phone, it is recommended to bring headphones
  • Route that has its starting point at the Visitor Center and passes through different points of the rural landscape a little distanced from the Garriga
  • Cycling is recommended
  • Remember to hydrate and protect yourself from the sun
  • It is recommended to bring water and some refreshments
  • During your visit observe nature and enjoy the environment, without leaving your waste footprint
Route with audio guide

You can do the itinerary on your own with an audio guide, to do this you can download the izi travel application on your mobile and a geolocation system will indicate which is the next point on the itinerary.

Download the audio guide


In the Garriga, the water even decided where the houses could be built

Irrigation was so important in the Garriga that, together with the route of the Camí Ral, from the 13th century until the second half of the 19th, it determined the growth of the urban core.

The Monar river was used to irrigate an extensive area of ​​orchards, but it was born to run the mills and then it was used for so many other activities that were generated around it.

This itinerary, which partly traces the route of the Monar River through the urban core, serves to get to know a very important part of the history of the Garriga that today almost goes unnoticed by our eyes.

More info and links:


Corredors Rec Monar
Corredors Rec Monar
Escales plaça Antònia Sabater
Escales plaça Antònia Sabater
Cr. Calàbria, carretera Nova
Cr. Calàbria, carretera Nova
Cr. Calàbria, cr. Negociant
Cr. Calàbria, cr. Negociant
Plàtan Can Queralt
Plàtan Can Queralt
Basses cànam Can Queralt
Basses cànam Can Queralt
Rentadors barri Querol
Rentadors barri Querol
Aparcament Pinetons
Aparcament Pinetons
Pont Can Noguera
Pont Can Noguera
Carril bici
Carril bici
Corredors Rec Monar
Escales plaça Antònia Sabater
Cr. Calàbria, carretera Nova
Cr. Calàbria, cr. Negociant
Plàtan Can Queralt
Basses cànam Can Queralt
Rentadors barri Querol
Aparcament Pinetons
Pont Can Noguera
Carril bici