Les Agudes, foto  Jordi Carceller




  • Guided walks in Montseny
  • More information and bookings of guided tours:info@visitalagarriga.cat or calling 610 477 823



The Montseny Natural Park, a universal heritage

La Garriga is surrounded by nature and very diverse landscapes, on all sides. From the irrigation fields of Pla de Llerona, through the mosaic of crops and forests, Cap Samalús and towards L’Ametlla, through the mountainous slopes of Puiggraciós, Cingles de Bertí and Montseny, to the north, and by the riverside landscape, which crosses the entire town following the Congost river.

The town is located within the Montseny Biosphere Reserve, which protects the extraordinary biodiversity and cultural footprint that human beings have left in these lands over time.

A fantastic environment and universal values that have inspired people from art, culture and science, and that reveal the emotion of the people who visit it. All this can be discovered with small walks or with slightly more demanding walks, thanks to the offer of signposted trails, audio guides and guided tours that you will find in the Visitors Center of La Garriga.


Visit the Montseny Natural Park website and see all the resources they can offer you.

Les Agudes foto Jordi Carceller
Les Agudes foto Jordi Carceller